KGHS Profile
Kaaga Girls' is a Methodist sponsored school, which started around 1926 to teach young girls to be good wives to the few educated men who had embraced western education. From 1932 to date the school has been headed by 10 Principals.
In 1952 girls moved to the present site from present day Kaaga Boys Secondary School and started as an Intermediate School . In 1961 Kaaga became a Secondary School and in 1971 , first 'A' Level Science class was admitted. Currently the school has four streams.
In 1952 girls moved to the present site from present day Kaaga Boys Secondary School and started as an Intermediate School . In 1961 Kaaga became a Secondary School and in 1971 , first 'A' Level Science class was admitted. Currently the school has four streams.
Current Enrolment
The shool has four streams with an enrolment of 1800 students
Current Staffing
The present staffing position constitutes of TSC registered Teachers, BOM Teachers and Non-Teaching staff
This are the able School Management that help run Kaaga Girls High School

PrincipleSchool Principle

Vice - PrincipleDeputy Principle

Vice - principleDeputy Principle
Physical facilities
- 19 Classrooms
- 2 Home Science Rooms
- Four Laboratories
- 12 Domitories of average capacity of 78
- 14 Staff Houses
- 1 Multipurpose Hall
- 1 Medium sized Dining Hall for one shift eating system
- 1 Kitchen with two Service Bays and cooks changing rooms
- 4 large food stores adjacent to kitchen
- 1 Working staffroom and 1 small staff common room
- 2 Computer Labs furnished with approximately 60 computers
- 1 Library with a capacity of about 100 people
- An elevated water tank holding 30,000 gallons (150,000 litres)
- Four rooms for Guidance and Counselling
- One sick bay
- One SMASE room for District use
- Adequate play fields with a Basketball pitch
- A few extra stores
- One 62-seater bus and one small van which is not in use
- One forested area for firewood and timber
- One school park for outdoor functions
- 1 German room equipped with computers, a projector, scanner and photocopier machine
- One power generator